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Saint Stephens Cemetery - Attleboro MA Real Haunted Place

  • Saint Stephens Cemetery
  • Attleboro, MA
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Witnesses say that the apparitions of Albertine and Eugene and their 2 year old daughter, Doris, have been seen here. Childlike footsteps on the paved paths have also been heard.
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  • Triangular UFO sighting early 2000’s

    My brother and I along with my girlfriend and two other friends went out to Saint Stephen’s around 11:30 PM, In 2000-2001.. We were out there for several hours try and see the glowing grave, Or any paranormal activity that many people have talked about over the years, A huge shaped UFO appeared over our heads out of nowhere, Let the whole ground up like daylight… As we were running out of the cemetery, In Attleboro police cruiser pulled in, Initially, I thought we would be in trouble for being in the cemetery after midnight, But the cruiser drove right by us to see the craft, which Validated in my mind That we all weren’t crazy… I’ve never seen any Ghosts out there, But I am terrified to go back there since, And that was over 20 years ago…

    Posted 5/12/24

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  • i helped out there for a while.

    I worked there with my brother for a long time gathering information on veterans put to rest there. At one point the taste of blood filled my mouth and the word car crash filled my head. at another section i was overwhelmed by the sent of alcohol. I never felt scared working there and towards the end of working there i began to have dreams about the people there.

    Posted 8/2/18

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,282
Last edit to this listing: 2/3/2016 (3292 days ago)

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