Eunice Williams Covered Bridge - Pumping Station Bridge - Real Haunt in Greenfield MA
- Eunice Williams Drive
- Greenfield, MA
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- Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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This bridge is rumored to be haunted by Eunice Williams, the reverend's wife who lived nearby in the 1600s. Indians and French Soldiers raided the area and hacked Eunice until she died, just hours after she had given birth. The story is told on a nearby plaque set in stone. Although the bridge is currently closed to vehicles, people claim that when it was open to cars, if you stopped on the bridge and shut your lights off, beeping the horn once, you would see her spirit appear. Eunice's apparition has also been seen around the dam and in the river that is nearby.
Source: James Walsh, via Flickr
Source: James Walsh, via Flickr
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Real Haunt Listing Info
Visitors to this page: 2,629
Last edit to this listing: 3/7/2016 (3245 days ago)
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