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The Charlemont Inn - Real Haunts in Charlemont MA

  • 107 Main St.
  • Charlemont, MA
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This inn is said to have a bunch of friendly ghosts that reside in the 1787 building. A Civil War soldier's spirit has been seen in the hall upstairs and a former innkeeper has been seen in the tavern. A ghost named Elizabeth is said to slam doors, throw things, and stomp around in the halls. She has been known to show herself to and have conversations with young children.
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  • Former housekeeper!

    I was also a housekeeper in the early 2000s. I never saw anything but you could feel a presence in certain rooms. There was a room at the top of the stairs that I loved to sit in, just felt welcoming! The other end i always felt like someone was in the rooms with me. I felt I had to clean as fast I could, very eerie feeling. The rooms were bright on this end but they felt cold and shadowy. I used to wear headphones because I always thought I heard doors opening and closing and furniture moving. This happened when there was no guests. I wish I remembered the numbers of the rooms. There was also a bathroom attached to one of the rooms and this bathroom always had sounds coming from it. Curtain moving sounds, stuff being set on the porcelain sink. The downstairs bathroom near the main entrance was also super creepy. I haven't seen it in years. Last I knew it was condemned, very sad... should be considered a historical building.

    Posted 9/14/24

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  • The Charlemont Inn

    I was a house keeper at the Inn before it closed down.I have an encounter with a few of the ghosts that stay there.I had spoken with Elizabeth in her room which was number 25. Everyone time I cleaned her room I would talk to her. She would sit on the double bed to listen how I know was I would see a sunken spot on the edge of the bed like some one was sitting down. I also had the male ghost would play with me.I was using the back pack style vacuum cleaner that had a small loop on top .I was in the middle of the hallway with nothing around me including people. I was being lifted up by the loop.I just said "Norman could you please put me down" and he did.I also had an experience in the old dance area when I was decorating the room for Christmas.I saw plain as day the ghosts dancing a waltz. I was sober when I had all of my encounters.

    Posted 10/5/19

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Last edit to this listing: 2/3/2016 (3291 days ago)

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